Wednesday, July 30, 2008

puNya pApada mishra (317)


Kalyan said...


The Daily kagga's sent are acting like some pravachanas in my life at least. Though i have read many Kannada Classics, and Mankutimanna kagga included, any number of reads are never satisfactory. They still provide a new charm and jest to read it all over again....

Thank you sir for providing daily kagga's...A discussion on this would only enrich over knowledge both on the subject as well as the language....


What Kalyan wrote is agreeable. Pravachanas we may forget soon after we come out BUT these lines would further enrich our experience and knowledge improving our philosophic approach towards the life.

Kalyan said...

I guess we also have to follow atleast 1% of what we are learning from these Kagga's...I guess some are definetly into it...

Siri Gannadam Gelge
Savi Gannadam Balge